Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Onions are grown in nearly every climate and used in cooking in nearly every culture dating back to the Bronze Age. It is said to cure sore throats, skin ailments and bee stings. Our onion served a more noble purpose, uniting three girls in a ritual of loyalty and fidelity to the tenets of the Sisterhood. Deep in the lush of middle childhood it bound us together one summer afternoon in Uncle Louie's garden. The conversation started years before and has continued for decades. Now it takes a new form.

Monday, October 19, 2009


OK, we will kick off this new blog with a discussion of what it is we will discuss, how we will go about discussing it, how frequently we expect to post to the blog, why we are doing this (after knowing each other for 36 years now!) -- oh and hey -- who we are!

How does that sound?

